Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog # 1: Average Temperature and Climate

A beach at Limon, Costa Rica, found here
This blog will follow the weather patterns of Puerto Limon, Costa Rica using the weather station at the airport in Limon. The airport sits along the coast about 2 miles south of the city so it should give a reasonably accurate account of weather in Limon.
(Found here)
 Limon is the major port city on the Caribbean side and has a rich history of export agriculture. Since Columbus landed in Limon in 1502, the area has exported cocoa, coffee, bananas and other tropical exports that have driven the local economy for over three hundred years. This agriculture exporting would not be possible without the perfect growing climate. Situated at just below 10° Latitude, Limon sees a year round warm and humid climate, considered a tropical climate similar to other well know Caribbean locations like Jamaica or Puerto Rico. The area very rarely rarely sees temperatures outside of  20° to 30° C (68° - 85° F), as you can see: 
(Courtesy of, found here)
There is rainfall year round. Hurricanes and tropical depressions are not common, but it can rain for several days straight during storms called temporales del Atlantico. These storms form from September though February as cold polar air pushes warm moisture laden air eastward across the gulf. As the graph below shows, there really is no dry season, as all months see moisture, but the rainy season runs from April / May through November / December with a lull in September. 

Courtesy of, found here

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